about me

Heidi Ennis lives in the foothills of the Cascade Mountain Range in Washington State where you can often find her staring at rivers or mountains or trees.

Hi. I’m Heidi.

I love hearing people’s stories.

Someone once told me that we’re all just travelers in this life, tourists trying to make our way to the next destination. Some of us are lost, some are stuck and afraid to take the next step. Some of us run and never stop to look around. Some of us just keep putting one foot in front of the other, trusting it’s in the right direction.

But everyone travelling this path of life has a story to tell.

I have a Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling, but in 2010 I left my career to pursue my passion of writing. Within a year of that change, I was homeschooling our kids and our lives changed dramatically. I was running in one direction, and God stopped me completely and turned me back the other way. That is a book in and of itself. Kind of a cool story about a family redeemed and refreshed- off of the fast track and onto the slow dance of enjoying every day watching our kids learn and grow.

I love to write, although I do not claim to be any good at it. I guess I consider myself a storyteller rather than a writer.

I do consider myself an expert (self-proclaimed, obviously) of Pacific Northwest History, and I choose to annoy my family often with very useful facts.

Other things I love? My dogs, sunshine, coffee. I love books- my collection is overflowing my house- and maps- also, all over my house. And I love lavender, homemade soap, and breakfast sandwiches.

At the moment, the only thing I can think of that I hate is all day rain. If you’re from Washington State, you know what this is and must agree with me.

I pray every day for joy and peace for those I love. And also, that all I say and do is pleasing in His sight.

Heidi xoxo

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14